About Store


We at Sulbha Creations, online garment store, are involved in retailing, producing and exporting ladies wear across the globe. The company has grown from strength to strength ever since its inception & established itself as one of the premier outfits in it's line of operation because of commitment to quality & variety of its products.


In the world of fashion many organizations have come forward to meet the demands of the apparel industry. Sulbha Creations stands out as it specializes in producing variety with a zest of stylish women wear to comprehend with the ladies choices and satisfaction level. Our product range includes Women's Sleepwear, Tops, Salwar Kameez, Trousers and many more.

Our entire collection of women's apparel is exclusively and intricately designed by skilled craftsmen and designers. We believe to be in-line with the competitive world of fashion industry where trends and styles constantly change and boast of an exhaustive list of vendors as our line of products is diverse. As an organization we are growing very fast, having supplied at large scale to companies all over the globe we promise to carry bulk orders in accordance with the client's budget and schedule.


Our products are interplay of exotic fabrics and creative designs. We offer an enticing range of fabrics and garments that can be classified as follows:

  • Ladies Suits
  • Sarees
  • Women's Tops
  • Women's Skirts
  • Women's Trousers
  • Women's Dresses
  • Salwar Kameez
  • Women's Sleepwear


Quality is a way of life at Sulbha Creations. We believe in offering customized high quality products to our esteemed customers that are spread both in the domestic and the overseas market. All the quality checks from production level to the level of finished products are undertaken by professional personnel keeping in mind the international fashion market and the specific requirements of clients. Every product of our showcase is unmatched creativity and imagination with a flawless quality. We believe in on-time deliveries and best sales service.


We have a sound infrastructure with modern state of the art machinery that lends a fine touch of modernity to our products. Our manufacturing unit encompasses all the latest machinery and equipment for inspection, cutting, sewing and finishing. We have a team of renowned designers, highly trained tailors, technicians and skilled labor who coupled with hi tech production facilities enable us to take bulk orders and complete them in due time. We also possess all the facilities for checking & packing and a ware house with large storing capacity.


Sulbha Creations is known for its reliable performance that earned accolades from its worldwide buyers. It is committed to provide the best quality, timely delivery at the most competitive prices.




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